#98. Change of Plans

Sometimes you have this hectic agenda planned out for your Monday, but sometimes, God rearranges your agenda in such a way that your Monday turns out to be not as hectic.

I’m thankful for the change of plans that allow me to take things a bit more slowly.

#95. Answered Prayers

I know that God doesn’t have to answer my requests, and that doesn’t make Him any less good.

Sometimes, He surprises me by granting me those secret prayers I hadn’t dared or thought of asking.

What a loving Father!

 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! -Matthew 7:9

#93. The Kind Neighbor who Carries our Grocery Bags

Ever since our young neighbor moved to our building, we’ve had the luck of having him run into us every time we’re unloading our groceries. I kid you not–he’s got some impeccable timing. And being the gentleman that he is, he always takes the time to help us carry the bags all the way to the fourth floor, no elevator.

Just today, as mom and I were taking the heavy groceries out of the car, we joked around about how cool it would be if we ran into kind neighbor to help with our many bags. And suddenly, as if we had magically summoned him with the will of our minds, kind neighbor walks out of the building on his way to throw some hoops, only to see us in need of help… yet again.

He laughed when he saw us because he knew, but he didn’t complain as he grabbed almost all our bags and carried them up.

We thanked him, but I don’t think he knows just how thankful we are–I am. It’s not just about helping us with the groceries. It’s about making us feel like ladies by being a willing gentleman every. single. time. 

So thank you, kind neighbor.

#90. Easter Sunday

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. -1 Corinthians 15:20-22

It’s because Jesus died on the cross and resurrected that third day that our faith is not in vain. We have the blessed assurance that, just as Christ rose from the dead, we will one day be glorified too. I say that’s a reason to celebrate every Sunday of the year.